According to the police, the child is still being treated, while a woman and a 15-year-old boy have been discharged from the hospital. The teenager was transferred to the adult system and is being held with a $ 250,000 bond in cash only. He faces three counts of aggravated assault with a lethal weapon, four counts of aggravated felony, and two counts of disorderly conduct involving weapons and criminal damage. Police said the teenager had a fight with another group of people at the outlet mall, including a 15-year-old and a 16-year-old boy. All three teenagers knew each other, but it is not clear how. Things got violent and Glendale police officer Tiffany Ngalula described the 17-year-old as the “primary attacker” in the shooting. The 4-year-old boy and his 27-year-old mother were both injured in the shootings, along with the two teenagers. After the shootings, shoppers ran out of the mall while others entered the shops. A new body camera video released Thursday shows officers with rifles going to the American Eagle Outfitters store to see if anyone was inside. “Glendale police, whoever is in the store, is coming to my voice,” said one police officer. The next video with camera shows other officers going to different stores and informing people that it is safe to go out. Copyright 2022 KTVK / KPHO. All rights reserved.