The Windsor-Essex County Health Unit plans to set up its own vaccination clinic on the street. Since March 8, it has offered parents with children ages seven to 12 the opportunity to learn about school vaccinations at the Devonshire Mall Clinic. This includes a range of vaccines for hepatitis B, HPV and meningococcal disease, all required by the school’s immunization law. Now that the clinic is closing, it is planning clinics for the next several months in individual communities across the area. From April, there will be clinics at the Nature Fresh Farms Recreation Center in Leamington and the Lakeshore Atlas Tube Recreation Center. Parents can make an appointment for their children through the health unit’s website. It will be updated to include the dates, times and locations of each clinic. Primary caregivers also have these vaccinations for free. If you are not sure if your child has been caught, you can email the health unit’s health schools department or call 519-258-2146 ext. 1222. The health unit hopes that vaccinating as many students as possible before the 2022-23 school year will reduce the number of suspensions issued in Windsor-Essex.