The report was conducted by Wilder Research, a Minnesota-based research team contracted by the state to “conduct an independent, external review of the state’s response to political unrest and unrest.” The findings were made public in a 129-page report Thursday. The purpose of the review commissioned by the state was not only to establish “what the state did well and what it did not do well” during the riots, but also to provide recommendations on how best to deal with similar circumstances in the future. Regarding the cooperation with the Minneapolis Police Department, a part of the report wrote: “A state official reminded,” we would try to apply restraint, and then they would pass and dissolve them all. So we’re basically working against each other. ‘ “This has resulted in a reluctance to share resources and work in a unified way to address public safety.” The report continued, “A government official said: ‘I recognized other behaviors that concerned me, such as the use of chemical ammunition by the MPD. “When they came to me and asked for extra chemical ammunition because they were finished, I told them no. I was not prepared to do that because I did not feel that its use was prudent and appropriate.” However, state law enforcement arrested the CNN crew who reported on the morning of May 29, 2020, in Minneapolis. In an area of ​​improvement mentioned in the report, he said that “law enforcement authorities allegedly illegally arrested, arrested or used inappropriate methods of dispersing crowds of journalists.” “There have been several cases of journalists claiming to have been exposed to irritants or inflammatory agents, often referred to as tear gas, and other methods of dispersing crowds and being illegally arrested or detained by law enforcement (it is not clear whether this was state or local law). “the demonstration of legal credentials of the media,” the report said. A “media spokesman” quoted as saying: “They would arrest people who were clearly identified as standard media. We are not talking about marginal, blogger media. We are talking about standard media. [media outlets]. “ Regarding coordination, part of the report read: “Both government officials and MPD representatives expressed frustration with the lack of communication between the leadership at MACC [Multi-Agency Command Center] and the Minneapolis Emergency Center. “ “This has led to many challenges, including the initial use of competitive law enforcement strategies,” he continued. Another important “area of ​​improvement” named by the report was government tactics that were “often perceived as escalating.” “The actions of the state law enforcement on the ground during the riots were largely seen as competitive, unhelpful and counterproductive for the peace and security of the community,” according to the majority of community members and business owners. who participated in this review “. The report contained several recommendations for improving the state’s response to future civil unrest. On the issue of escalation, part of the report read: “Riot equipment and less lethal ammunition should not be visible to protesters unless law enforcement officers are under immediate threat and intend to use these weapons against the crowd. “DPS should discourage law enforcement from wearing riot gear unless the safety of correspondents is compromised.” “A show of force by law enforcement authorities can provoke fear and aggression among protesters,” he said. Among all the recommendations, there were three that were deemed “critical”: strengthening multidisciplinary coordination systems, improving coordination and relations with local jurisdictions and the media, and guiding efforts to address tensions between law enforcement agencies. law and communities through deliberate confidence-building efforts. education, and police accountability and transformation. The broad report also noted the benefits of the state response to the unrest, including the state patrol, the Minnesota National Guard, and the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources quickly mobilizing and collaborating effectively with other agencies to protect vital infrastructure and people. life, included elected officials in the briefings, imposed effective traffic bans “despite being controversial” and much more.

Services are examining the report

In response to the report, Minnesota Public Safety Commissioner John Harrington wrote a letter Wednesday to Minnesota Gov. Tim Walsh, in which he wrote in part: “The Department of Public Safety is committed to a culture of continuous improvement. , other external reviews and our internal findings after the action, we engage in community discussions and meetings with Wilder to review the findings and continue to find ways to improve and build trust. Harrington also wrote that the department will “continue to promote a community-based public safety approach throughout our work as well as the legislative proposals of this session. Our work is not complete.” The city of Minneapolis is examining the report, wrote Sarah McKenzie, a representative of the city of Minneapolis, on CNN. The city is also focusing on implementing the recommendations from Hillard Heintz’s subsequent action report, which was presented to City Council earlier this month. “of George Floyd,” he continued. A report by security risk management company Hillard Heintz – published March 7 – found widespread chaos and poor communication between city leaders, which contributed to a disorganized police response to the violent unrest that later spread across the country.