Chanting “Trudeau Go Home” a group of about 40 or 50 protesters gathered at the Caribou Curling Club in Stephenville this morning as Canada and Germany prepare to sign a major deal. World leaders including Germany’s chancellor and Prime Minister Trudeau are on the West Coast today announcing details of the deal and incentives for private companies to invest in clean energy. It comes amid heightened interest in wind and hydrogen development on the province’s southwest coast. Marilyn Rowe, who is among those opposed to World Energy’s GH2 plans for the Port au Port peninsula, says they have a variety of serious concerns with the proposed project. He says the industrial turbines are offshore turbines but will be installed on mountain ridges, leading to concerns about vibration and environmental impact. Video of the protest outside the Stephenville airport — Gerri Lynn Mackey (@GerriLynnMackey) August 23, 2022 Prime Minister Andrew Furey says if not hydrogen, then continued reliance on fossil fuels, particularly oil. He says no provincial money will be allocated to the project.